Managing Prices in the Product Catalog

Using the Product Catalog, prices can be made and added to plans in a single, simple interface across billing providers. All prices across all of your billing providers can be managed in a single area, making for a seamless and convenient experience.

To get to the Prices screen, in the left-side menu, under Product Catalog.

Prices NAvigation in Moesif

When you are on the Prices screen, you’ll see a list of prices that are available across your billing providers.

List of available prices in Moesif

Fields that are shown in the columns within the list include:

  • Name
    • This is the internal price name
  • ID
    • This is the price’s unique identifier, created by the billing provider
  • Parent Plan
    • This is the plan to which the price applies to
  • Period
    • This is the billing period that the price applies to
  • Pricing Model
    • This is the prices applicable pricing model. Options include Per unit, Volume, or Tiered
  • Created At
    • This is the date and time when the price was first created
  • Status
    • This is the status of the price, Active or Archived
  • Actions
    • This is a sub-menu that allows users to view, clone, and set the status of the price


To create a price in Moesif, you must:

  1. Have an active account with a billing provider (eg. Stripe)
  2. Have the billing provider integrated with Moesif
  3. Have a plan created within the billing provider to attach the price to

Creating a Price

On the Price screen, click the Create New button in the top-right of the screen.

Create price button in Moesif

Moesif supports creating metered and recurring prices. One-time fees and shippable items should be created directly in your billing system. {: .text-center .notice–info}

On the Create New Price screen, you can add the following details to your price via the form on the screen:

  • Price Name
    • This is the name that will identify your price internally
  • ID
    • This is the auto-generated price identifier. This is created internally by the billing provider.
  • Linked Plan
    • This is the plan that the price should be linked to
  • Metadata
  • optional. In this field, users can add price metadata.
  • Pricing Model
    • This is where you can designate the pricing model that the price should have applied. Values include Per Unit, Volume, or Tiered
  • Measure Usage As
    • This is where you specify how the usage should be measured for the price. For example, you can specify that you want to measure usage by the Sum of unit(s) used every Month, in $USD
  • Price Structure
    • Here, you can specify the price structure. For instance, if you’re charging per unit, here you would specify the price per unit.
  • Tax Structure
    • This is where you can specify how taxes should be applied to the price. Options include Auto, Pricing includes tax, and Pricing does not include tax

Once you’ve populated the applicable fields, click the Create button in the top right of the screen to create the price.

Create price button in Moesif

Updating a Price

On the Prices screen, in the list of available prices, click on the price that you would like to update. The price can be accessed by clicking the Price Name or by clicking the ‘kebab’ icon in the Actions column and selecting View Details.

On the Price Details screen, you can edit the:

  • Price Name
    • This is the name that will identify your price internally

All other fields are read-only for auditing purposes.

Once you’ve updated the fields required, click the Save button in the top right of the screen to save the updated plan details.

Archiving a Price

To archive a price, you can click the Action menu from the list of prices and set the Status to Archive.

Archive price in Moesif from Action button

Alternatively, go into the price details screen, and at the end of the Price Name, set the status dropdown to Archive.

Price status dropdown in Moesif
