Credit Usage Metrics & Reporting

Within every company profile in Moesif are multiple charts that can help with analyzing and reporting on credit usage and transactions. To access these reports, navigate to the company’s profile (either by clicking on the Company’s ID within a report in Moesif or by going through the Company Lookup screen).

On the company profile, underneath the profile fields display, click on Billing Usage. This area will show multiple charts that can help you to understand billing usage for this particular account. By default, the screen will show the Billing Usage and Subscription Balance time series reports.

You can also toggle between chart styles by using the chart-type selector at the top of the chart. By clicking the table view button, you will then be presented with a table outlining all transactions. Clicking the graph view button will bring you back to the Time Series charts originally displayed.

Choose between time series and table view for usage metrics

Billing Usage Report (Time Series)

The Billing Usage report shows usage per Billing Meter across all subscriptions that a company has. In the top left of the pane, under Meter, you can choose the meter that you would like to report on. The output of this chart is a time series report that shows Reported Usage (the actual events that have been recorded by the meter) and Amount (the $ value of the events, as calculated by the meter).

Billing Usage as Time Series Chart

Billing Usage Report (Table View)

In the table view of the Billing Usage report, you will be able to view all transactions in a nicely laid out table. This will show every transaction in detail and can also be filtered by Meter and Subscription using the dropdowns at the top of the report.

Billing Usage as Table

Subscription Balance Report

The Subscription Balance report shows usage across all Billing Meters for a particular subscription that a company has. In the top left of the pane, under Subscription, you can choose the subscription that you would like to report on. The output of this chart is a time series report that shows the three balance factors within the Moesif ledger: Current Balance, Pending Activity, and Available Balance.

Subscription Balance Report for Company
